1FIFORIG.ZIP 20,034 01-08-95 REoL TOUGH: Total War I v2.1 The first everREoL TOUGH level! The first ever PWAD byREoL! Some modifications made. PLEASE READ!!READ!!.TXT FIRST! E-mail: Georgef551@aol.com
1ST.ZIP 11,097 01-20-95 1ST.WAD - 1 to 4 player add-on file for DoomII. You will have to be a real good fighterto kill all of the monsters in this add-on.Deathmatch is NOT supported in this add-on.
2BESIEGE.ZIP 91,380 01-09-95 2BESIEGE - DOOM II Wadfile. You are droppedat a Scottish castle, now a demon strongholdon Earth. You must rid the castle of enemies,but beware of counterattacks.
2FIFFY1.ZIP 443,825 01-14-95 The REoL TOUGH 2: Project! REoL TOUGH 2:Guerilla War I: Wolfen-steined A mini-episodefor DOOM 2! Colonel Sanders sent you back toCastle Wolfenstein because there seems to bemore castle than you originally thought!
Contains D2's Wolf graphics, as well as theD2 set. DOOM 2 style layout! A MUST HAVE!PLEASE RUN !!READ!!.BAT FIRST! E-mail:Georgef551@aol.com
30.ZIP 29,214 01-31-95 */30, THE death-match level for \* */DOOMII!!! Shooting through \* */holes in thewall, hiding in \* */crevices, suprising yourenemy, \* */teleporting over to the other \**/side, 30 is THE level for D-M. \*
6TOWER.WAD 47,051 02-12-95 The Six Towers - DOOM2 Deathmatch
ABYSSWAD.ZIP 26,811 01-10-95 Abyss S/C/D The UAC has an underwater base,UB1 (information not previously disclosed tothe Military). The UAC has admitted thatearly experimentation into dimension travelwas moved to this location to maintain
secrecy on the technical end. Experimentswent off as planned with the exception ofseveral minor mishaps with UAC personnel only.
ANGST2.ZIP 190,545 01-23-95 This is a DOOM II demo file covering levels1-8 with all but one secret revealed. It'sjust fast and furious, no B.S. DOOM.Ultra-violence.
APCIDM53.ZIP 446,885 01-01-95 -> MultiPlayer Network Modem DOOM! <-APCiDOOM v5.3 is a freeware utility for DOOMor DOOM II. It is the client software thatallows high-speed modem users to play FOURPLAYER true network modem DOOM via the APCi
MultiPlayer Game Server. It features a chatutility that enables players to chat andchange WAD files/settings before and betweengames. Supported modes are modem, seriallink, and IPX. Proper operation requires DOOM
v1.666 or DOOM II v1.7a or later. The MPGS is*NOT* required to use APCiDOOM. APCiDOOM v5.3was released on 1/1/95. 1994-95 AppliedPersonal Computing, Inc.
BARON.ZIP 35,843 01-31-95 .WAD file for DOOM! - Baron BBQ!
BCS01.ZIP 36,979 03-24-95 .WAD file for DOOM (I or II?)
BCS02.ZIP 39,177 03-24-95 .WAD file for DOOM (I or II?)
BCS03.ZIP 42,881 03-24-95 .WAD file for DOOM (I or II?)
BCS04.ZIP 70,222 03-24-95 .WAD for DOOM (I or II?)
BCS05.ZIP 46,940 03-24-95 .WAD for DOOM (I or II ?)
BFGSPAZ.ZIP 78,486 03-24-95 .WAD for DOOM II - deathmatch
BIGGCITY.ZIP 68,596 01-10-95 This new PWAD comes equipped with 3 HUGEbuildings, and the newest hangout for MLBplayers while in Biggcity. Yes, a newballpark, Launcher Field, is one of the ex-citing attractions you'll see while in town.
And don't forget to visit the world famousHotel Hell. Book a room, invite a friend orthree, and have a blast killing them. Happyhunting, human......
BLUDBTH3.ZIP 28,270 02-06-95 This is the ultimate deathmatch level! 50 to60 hours spent testing 2 player deathmaPerfect layout of weapons and health! Everyfactor taken into consideration -weaponlayout (all but the chainsaw)...no -health
layout (even the amount you can ac -ammo(barely enough so keep goin back for -warp inspots (6 total) -ambush spots -sounds (tolocate where they are) -lighting (never todark, but some dark en -obstacles-consequences -even graghics -monsters (none)
Play for hours and hours, and still come back
BORNGSND.ZIP 361,379 02-05-95 silly sounds for doom and doom2 replaces mostsounds for doom in a pwad format.. bland andhumorous samples make this pwad totallyenjoyable for everyone.. by mr. corruption
BUD1.ZIP 33,681 03-24-95 .WAD for DOOM II - deathmatch
CAGE2.ZIP 9,732 01-10-95 .WAD for DOOM II - Deathmatch
CASLDETH.ZIP 97,936 01-01-95 Castle of Death Kentz Castle of Death forDOOM ][ - This is Levels 1-5 for Reg'dDOOM2!!! DEATHMATCH/COOPERATIVE levels!!!Each Map is EXACTLY the same. The onlydifference is the weapons. Each level has
only 1 kind of weapon. Starts with Shot guns,ends with BFG's Created with DEU2/DEU2C/DOOM21.666
CASTLES.ZIP 25,359 03-12-95 .WAD for DOOM II - 2 player DM
CIRCLERU.ZIP 5,701 02-28-95 Fun, small little deathmatch wad for doom II!
CISTERN1.ZIP 46,957 03-08-95 .WAD for DOOM! - Single player
COMDOOM1.ZIP 186,404 01-29-95 Commdoom v1.1 5-Level PWAD for DOOM IISupports single/multi-player and Deathmatchin three skill levels. Levels 4-5 based on anactual building. (Not quite as many monstersin the real thing
COOLIO12.ZIP 17,696 01-28-95 .WAD file for DOOM - (?)
COURT.ZIP 36,366 03-24-95 .WAD for DOOM II - deathmatch
CUBE.ZIP 17,920 03-24-95 .WAD for DOOM
D&D012.ZIP 77,829 01-10-95 Dan & Dave 01 - DOOM 2 S\C\D This was startedusing the MINE1 level which was : distributedalong with Doom Editor 2.60b. It has : beenmodified from the original with manyadditions. : If you play Ultra-Violence, be
careful, there : are a lot of monsters here!
D2ARENAS.ZIP 77,659 01-25-95 Five Nice Arena type Deathmatch .WAD's
D2CRYH.ZIP 92,272 01-31-95 Cry Havoc! The leaders of the Enemy havethrown you in their own private fightingarena. Initially, you have no weapons, buttheir is an armory. Fight your way throughand you are free. Can you do it? A WAD file
for DOOM ][ Deathmatch, Single Player, andCooperative Capable. New music and sounds.Try it!
D2_19PAT.ZIP 442,745 02-06-95 Upgrade DOOM II v1.7a to v1.9
DANZIG12.ZIP 16,999 03-08-95 .WAD for DOOM II - deathmatch
DANZIG13.ZIP 12,204 03-08-95 .WAD for DOOM II - deathmatch
DCK20B.ZIP 388,781 01-22-95 Doom Construction Kit v2.0B (Zerius Dev.) Ifyou thought v1.0 was cool, check this out:DCK 2.0 uses all the memory of your 386/486computer to help you create intricatedungeons quickly. DCK unobtrusively takes
care of mundane tasks like sidedef, sectorand vertex references, but still allows youcomplete control over the design of your map.This is a beta version, but is stable andincludes most of the features of the release.
It's fast, powerful, very intuitive and has agreat interface. Requires DOOM 1 (reg'd) orDOOM 2, a mouse, a SuperVGA or VESA card, anda good imagination :) Uncrippled *FREEWARE*by Ben Morris / ZDev
DEATHPIT.ZIP 8,327 01-28-95 Doom II deathmatch wad.
DEEP14.ZIP 641,124 03-11-95 DeeP V6.14 is a DOOM Enhanced Editor PrograHeeP V6.14 is a HERETIC Enhanced Editor ProBoth are complete rewrites and major enhancContains options and features you Features :
1. DOOM to DOOM II to HERETIC (and back) lev2. Create STAIRS, DOORS, POOLS, PEDESTALS an3. Instant graphical Thing and Texture feedb4. Edits large levels using conventional mem5. DeePbsp 3.1, the smartest, fastest and ac
From 2 to 10 times faster than BSP (or WA 6.A complete easy comprehensive check of yo 7.OnLine help; you can Search, Print and ev 8.Find/Change, STAIRS, DOORS, POOLS, PEDEST 9.Speed control for fast systems, so the Ma 10.
Point, click and drag LineDef creation! 11.All main options (textures, heights, soun 12.Options to set editing colors and control
DEEP621.ZIP 645,302 03-19-95 DeeP V6.20 is a DOOM Enhanced Editor PrograHeeP V6.20 is a HERETIC Enhanced Editor ProBoth are complete rewrites and major enhancContains options and features you Features :
1. DOOM to DOOM II to HERETIC (and back) lev2. Create STAIRS, DOORS, POOLS, PEDESTALS an3. Instant graphical Thing and Texture feedb4. Edits large levels using conventional mem5. DeePbsp 3.1, the smartest, fastest and ac
From 2 to 10 times faster than BSP (or WA 6.A complete easy comprehensive check of yo 7.OnLine help; you can Search, Print and ev 8.Find/Change, STAIRS, DOORS, POOLS, PEDEST 9.Speed control for fast systems, so the Ma 10.
Point, click and drag LineDef creation! 11.All main options (textures, heights, soun 12.Options to set editing colors and control
DEEP6_13.ZIP 578,807 02-03-95 DeeP V6.13 is a DOOM Enhanced Editor PrograHeeP V6.13 is a HERETIC Enhanced Editor ProBoth are complete rewrites and major enhancFeatures : 1. DOOM to DOOM II to HERETIC (andback) lev 2. Create STAIRS, DOORS, POOLS,
PEDESTALS an 3. Instant graphical Thing andTexture feedb 4. Edits large levels usingconventional mem 5. DeePbsp 3.0 (a DPMIrevision) is directly DeePbsp is a very fastand accurate node 6. A complete easy
comprehensive check of yo 7. OnLine help; youcan Search, Print and ev 8. Dragging andcopying objects is Fast and 9. Find/Change,STAIRS, DOORS, POOLS, PEDEST 10 Speed controlfor fast systems, so the Ma 11. Point, click
and drag LineDef creation! 12. All mainoptions (textures, heights, soun 13. Optionsto set editing colors and control
DEEPSHAR.ZIP 575,571 01-29-95 DeeP V6.13 is a DOOM Enhanced Editor PrograHeeP V6.13 is a HERETIC Enhanced Editor ProBoth are complete rewrites and major enhancFeatures : 1. DOOM to DOOM II to HERETIC (andback) lev 2. Create STAIRS, DOORS, POOLS,
PEDESTALS an 3. Instant graphical Thing andTexture feedb 4. Edits large levels usingconventional mem 5. DeePbsp 3.0 (a DPMIrevision of TBSP 2.2) DeePbsp is a very fastand accurate node 6. A complete easy
comprehensive check of yo 7. OnLine help; youcan Search, Print and ev 8. Dragging andcopying objects is Fast and 9. Find/Change,STAIRS, DOORS, POOLS, PEDEST 10 Speed controlfor fast systems, so the Ma 11. Point, click
and drag LineDef creation! 12. All mainoptions (textures, heights, soun 13. Optionsto set editing colors and control
DEPMV106.ZIP 328,459 01-15-95 DEPMV106 - DoomEdit/PM Version 1.06 Multi-thr32-bit C, supports DOOM and DOOM2, configurabtunable background threaded node builder (buithing/linedef/sidedef/sector checking, PWAD m
A MUST for DOOM and/or OS/2 players. Unzip uFilename: DEPMV106.ZIP
DESTROY2.ZIP 14,877 03-24-95 .WAD for DOOM II - deathmatch
DGOLD4BT.WAD 461,319 01-25-95 .WAD to turn on lights in DOOM 2
DM-GRNDY.ZIP 377,702 02-09-95 Green Day sounds for Doom or Doom 2. Featuresmusic from the Dookie, Kerplunk, and 1039Smoothed Out Slappy Hours CD's. Replaces 9sounds total. This WAD was made by Wiz of CiAon 2-10-95.
DM19RPAT.ZIP 520,462 02-06-95 Upgrade REGISTERED DOOM v1.666 to REGISTEREDv1.9
DM19SPAT.ZIP 540,278 02-06-95 Upgrade SHAREWARE DOOM v1.666 to SHAREWAREDOOM v1.9
DM2CNV20.ZIP 116,124 04-01-95 DM2CONV v2.0 - BEST WAD CONVERTER! ConvertDOOM/DOOM2 wads to run with DOOM2 or HERETIC.Iperconfigurable. Powerful objectsubstitution! PUBLIC DOMAIN with sources.
DM2GM3.ZIP 63,285 01-10-95 DM2GM3A.ZIP S\C\D A DOOM II combo co-op /deathmatch / single player wad. This is mymost ambitious effort for a single map todate. I have payed extreme attention todesign elements, shading, textures, monster
and weapon assortment and location.
DMCHK30.ZIP 53,829 03-24-95 DMCHECK ver 3.0 supports DOOM 1 & ][ from ver1.0 to 1.9, a batch file utility for PWADauthors. Test the version of DOOM installed,the disk space, the date and time of files,etc... * A MUST GET FOR PWAD AUTHORS
DOOMOTE.ZIP 90,727 02-11-95 Play DOOM with up to four players via modem.SIRDOOM has a built in terminal that will allyou to call your favorite Major BBS systemrunning the multi-player version of GameConnection (V1.40 or higher) and play DOOM
against a group of friends or acquaintances.While there, check out the other games that aplayable in multi-player mode via GameConnection.
DPRISON2.ZIP 48,200 01-18-95 .WAD for DOOM II
DSTMNDM1.ZIP 69,363 04-03-95 ___<The Dustman>___ Deathmatch WAD Version1.0 A New DM only level with a new "duel"feature and a new passageway trap! Play itTODAY Doom ][ v1.9 required New sounds...morecoming!
DTHLIFT1.ZIP 22,645 03-24-95 .WAD for DOOM (1-2?) - no details
DVIEW325.ZIP 29,425 03-24-95 Mr. Skibone's DoomView v3.25 Views thegraphics in >ANY< Doom/Doom II/Heretic WAD orPWAD. Admire the artwork - Export to BMPAlmost as fun as Doom itself!! ;) Programmedby DJ SKI
EDMAP130.ZIP 360,876 01-24-95 Latest Version of EdMap for DOOM, DOOM 2, andHeretic
ENGMAWAD.ZIP 17,798 02-17-95 .WAD for DOOM II - deathmatch
EPSILONE.ZIP 84,802 03-04-95 .WAD file for DOOM! - E1M1 map
FAST!.ZIP 2,035 04-06-95 FAST!.LMP is a Doom 2 1.9 Lmp which attemptsto demonstrate the outrunning of a BFG shoton Level 13. Recorded by Doug Bora
FBATTLE.ZIP 6,514 01-29-95 .WAD file for DOOM! - Final Battle
FLAMES.ZIP 46,377 03-24-95 Patch for DOOM(1&2) - FlameThrower!
FMJWAD.ZIP 606,959 01-08-95 Full Metal Jacket WAD. All original soundsexcept one "stock" sample. By Scott Coleman
FPTMPL.ZIP 37,365 02-17-95 .WAD for DOOM II - deathmatch
FRAG_U2.ZIP 25,033 01-23-95 FRAG_YOU Great DEATHMATCH level!!! ALL theweapons are here, lots of teleporters, smallhidey-holes, and lots of dark!! Very intimateand cozy...in a deadly way! For DOOM II
FRO_PWAD.ZIP 83,348 03-28-95 Frodo PWAD for DOOM2 and Heretic
GANGUP.ZIP 59,527 03-05-95 .WAD for DOOM II - deathmatch
GORILLA.ZIP 7,374 01-17-95 .WAD for DOOM II - Deathmatch
GRENADE.TXT 10,186 03-04-95 description of grenade.zip
GRID.ZIP 13,455 03-10-95 Doom 1: *DM* A grid of criss-crossing 2storyfloors
GUN1.ZIP 37,364 02-14-95 .WAD for DOOM! - .32 automatic
H2HMUD02.ZIP 124,405 01-18-95 Wad File
H2HMUD03.ZIP 126,417 01-25-95 Wad File for Doom
HAPYWAD2.ZIP 297,911 01-20-95 HAPPY.WAD* This map is a replacement of MAP02for doom2. Its made and meant for deathmatchbut there are a total of 4 big bad guys ifyou wanna play single player. The exit issecret so you can find that out. The level
consists of a shooting tower in the east andtwo buildings, one in the north and one inthe west. Each structure is meant forprotection and as a shooting point for anyoneon the ground along with a shooting point for
other players in the other structures otherthan the one you are in. New music andsoundfx are also present.
HARTFRD3.ZIP 39,944 03-07-95 DOOM II PWAD, wide open spaces
HEADBANG.ZIP 23,472 01-22-95 .WAD for DOOM II - Deathmatch
HELLWAYS.ZIP 51,378 03-26-95 This is a new Deathmatch wad for Doom[]. Exttested. IF you have any comments E-mail me atscottyb@pcexec.com. If you are in the Milwaudeathmatch! Scottyb
HI.WAD 66,995 02-24-95 Wad for DoomII
HIDESEEK.ZIP 26,874 01-16-95 2-4 player deathmatch wad with shotguns andchainguns. Lots of hallways and hideyholes.Really, it's a must see. Requires DOOM II
HNKSLAIR.ZIP 36,040 03-24-95 .WAD for DOOM II - deathmatch
HONYCOMB.ZIP 62,114 03-15-95 .WAD for DOOM! - deathmatch
HOTLEA.ZIP 76,953 01-31-95 Hot Lead! You have returned to your oldbattlefield! Same layout but the whole placeis moving! Something is really wrong. Newenemies, more enemies, and even more newenemies. Just another day at the office. A
WAD file for DOOM ][ Single, Deathmatch, andCooperative Capable. New music and sounds.Try it!
HOUSES.ZIP 687,068 01-17-95 This deathmatch wad is for Doom II
IDEA.ZIP 27,558 03-22-95 DM FOR DOOM - FROM PHANTASY BBS - Trying tofill in the gap of not enough good TWO playerDeathmatch levels, I brewed this up. Shouldbe small enough you see the other player moreoften!
IDEA2.ZIP 27,578 03-22-95 DM FOR DOOM *II* FROM PHANTASY BBS - Tryingto fill in the gap of not enough good TWOplayer Deathmatch levels, I brewed this up.Should be small enough you see the otherplayer more often!
INIQUITY.ZIP 40,870 02-28-95 .WAD file for DOOM! - E2M1
IN_HELL.ZIP 37,986 02-06-95 .WAD for DOOM II - 4 player dm
IPXNET12.FAQ 28,259 03-04-95 faq for ipx networks v1.2
IPXNET12.TXT ,962 03-04-95 description of ipxnet12.faq
ITP1_V2C.ZIP 259,511 01-20-95 Into The Pit 1 WAD for DOOM ][ This WADstarted out as a test for what a WAD-editorcan do since I recently found out you reallycan make your own WADs. Tip: there are a lotof illusionary walls around this place that's
for sure.
KEEPER2.ZIP 52,629 03-24-95 .WAD for DOOM! - the Keeper v.2
KILLU.ZIP 30,748 03-22-95 DM FOR DOOM - FROM PHANTASY BBS - KILLINGUNIVERSITY! The mother of all sniper wads.Lots of room to run, and plenty of places fordeath from above!
KILLU2.ZIP 30,758 03-22-95 DM FOR DOOM *II* FROM PHANTASY BBS - KILLINGUNIVERSITY! The mother of all sniper wads.Lots of room to run, and plenty of places fordeath from above!
KING.WAD 97,082 01-25-95 .WAD for Multiplayer Deathmatch in DOOM 2
KREIGL_2.ZIP 6,082 01-17-95 This is yet another one of the many LMP demosfrom DOOM blowhards who claim to be the endall beat all master gods of playing DOOM,only this one uses a keyboard, and insultseveryone who uses a mouse or Cyberman.
LABRINTH.ZIP 49,836 01-05-95 The LABYRINTH - By Michael C. Davis This WADhas been optimized for all skill levels, Coopand Deathmatch play. You're basically trappedlike a rat in one of thos laboratory mazes,but the reward is a littl harder to get
to.... Includes a demo.
LAPLINK.DOC 4,237 03-04-95 setup for LapLink Cable
LEDGES-X.ZIP 17,651 03-12-95 "Ledges" Deathmatch WAD for Doom II
LILPIGGY.ZIP 7,205 01-25-95 Doom II deathmatch wad.
LMPUTIL.ZIP 28,749 02-18-95 A utility for Doom and Doom2 demos (.lmp)-see
LOBBY.ZIP 40,119 03-10-95 Small, but challenging level for DOOM II
LOSTMIND.ZIP 107,651 01-17-95 This Wad was made to challange the Doomplayer in skill aspects along with Killings(of course). Warning! Not everything is whatit appears to be. Get that (you'll see what Imean). The level can be completed without
cheats, a little thought and effort is allthat is needed. Get the Rocket launcher whenyou see it, you'll need it.
ME.WAD 5,550 02-24-95 A Doom2 Wad file
MENTZER1.ZIP 28,433 01-17-95 Lots of time and effort was put into theconstruction of this wad (and the entireseries). This is NOT some slapped togethermess - Have fun :-) This is a Deathmatch Wadcreated for Doom 2. All Weapons are available
and no monsters are present. Ammo, health,armor, and weapons are spread out to providefor constant action. This is the first in aseries of deathmatch wads for Doom 2.
MENTZER2.ZIP 25,021 01-17-95 This is a Deathmatch Wad created for Doom 2.All Weapons are available and no monsters arepresent. Ammo, health, armor, and weapons arespread out to provide for constant action.
This is the second in a series of deathmatchwads for Doom 2.
MINE.WAD 7,727 02-24-95 Doom2 .WAD
MINI5.ZIP 32,277 03-16-95 DooM(1) 4 level DEATHMATCH :O(d 4 trickylittle Deathmatch levels designed fo playerModem DooM. Episode 1, Mission 1-4 There'smore to them than meets the eye! UPLOADEDfrom: MADDOG MARTIGEN, Houston B.C.
NASTY.ZIP 25,221 02-15-95 .WADs for DOOM II - 4 LEVELS!
pname editing! Play sounds & view anygraphics WAD-cleaner - Replaces DMADDS/F >Updated version < WAD creators - DOWNLOADTHIS!
OHNO11.ZIP 44,900 01-10-95 Ohno Ver 1.1 S\C For those Doomers whodislike puzzles, but do like the blood andguts, this is the Wad for you. Actually agood training mission for multi-playergamers. The setup is fifty plus rooms of bad
guys. The doors are narrow so players willhave to take turns being point. I don'tbelieve the level is completable in singleplayer mode without a major Dehacked job.
OLDWEST.ZIP 32,198 03-06-95 .WAD for DOOM II - deathmatch
OOF.ZIP 162,329 02-18-95 +OOF.WAD+> Replaces sounds in D00M ][. Tiredof the same old sounds when playing D00M ][ ?Try this wad to make the best game ever, evenbetter. No level replacement so it can beloaded with any other wad file.
O_LRD01.ZIP 17,508 02-01-95 .WAD for DOOM II - deathmatch
PAINHILL.ZIP 46,798 03-24-95 .WAD for DOOM II - 1+ players
PRINCE5.ZIP 41,081 01-29-95 .WAD for DOOM
PWRPLT1.ZIP 18,427 03-24-95 .WAD for DOOM II - deathmatch
QUAD.ZIP 23,906 03-12-95 .WAD for DOOM! - 4plyr deathmatch
RAVE.ZIP 29,885 01-28-95 .WAD for DOOM II - deathmatch
RAVE10.ZIP 47,202 01-27-95 Part ten of the RAVEN SERIES Map 10 Features:- support for all 5 skill levels - GreatDEATHMATCH level. - well placed monsters -use of all three keys - can be completed without cheating - excellent texture alignment -
The longer you play the more open it gets.Use doom2 -file raven10.wad -warp 10 -skill 1or idclev10 during the game. Level creator:Tim Willits
REVILE.ZIP 67,653 01-14-95 This level was created with deathmatch firmlyin mind. Sniper spots and places to runacross your opponent(s) are plentiful, andyet, there are plenty of areas to get lost infor awhile. Replaces Level 02 for DOOM ][.
RIPPEDIN.ZIP 21,812 03-24-95 Ripped Intestines~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ablood-spurtingly good deathmatch for Doom II.
RMB21.ZIP 186,794 01-29-95 Reject Map Rebuilder.
ROMAN.ZIP 56,258 03-12-95 .WAD for DOOM II - 1 plyr Adventure
ROOXWADS.ZIP 71,951 02-21-95 .WADs for DOOM II - deathmatches
RUDEWAD3.ZIP 23,691 03-24-95 .WAD for DOOM II - Rude Map03
RUDEWAD4.ZIP 54,977 03-24-95 .WAD for DOOM II - Rude Map04
RUDEWAD5.ZIP 48,535 03-24-95 .WAD for DOOM II - Rude Map05
SAMURAI1.ZIP 10,111 01-23-95 SAMURAI THE BOARD OF THE TRUE WARRIOR !!!THEULTIMATE IN DEATHMATCH!!! !!Lots of room forplay!! !!High FRAG levels guaranteed!! !!Ammoand Weapons Abundant!! !!For Play in SoloMode Also!!
SAMURAI2.ZIP 10,305 01-28-95 SAMURAI2 THE BOARD OF THE TRUE WARRIOR FORDOOM2 !!!THE ULTIMATE IN DEATHMATCH!!! !!Lotsof room for play!! !!High FRAG levelsguaranteed!! !!Ammo and Weapons Abundant!!!!For Play in Solo Mode Also!! V 2.0
SANE_30.ZIP 27,107 03-24-95 Patch for DOOM/DOOM II Weapons
SATAN666.ZIP 134,231 03-19-95 S/C/D - Doom2 update of Satan's Lair
SCHOOL.ZIP 45,486 03-12-95 .WAD for DOOM! - 4player DM
SEWER1.ZIP 56,862 01-14-95 A PWAD for DOOM ][. Has new music. Prettycool.
SHAFT.ZIP 47,978 02-07-95 Mine Shaft (Levels 1-2) Enter the mine shaftnobody returned from. An exciting (I hope)adventure for DOOM ][. These are the firsttwo levels of what I hope to be a longseries. Tell me how you like it.
SIRDOOM2.ZIP 90,727 02-11-95 Play DOOM with up to four players via modem.SIRDOOM has a built in terminal that will allyou to call your favorite Major BBS systemrunning the multi-player version of GameConnection (V1.40 or higher) and play DOOM
against a group of friends or acquaintances.While there, check out the other games that aplayable in multi-player mode via GameConnection.
SKILL.ZIP 41,898 03-12-95 .WAD for DOOM - (1 or 2?) - DM
SKYBASE.ZIP 43,967 03-26-95 A Doom ][ PWAD file set in 1.5 miles in the sk
SNIPER.ZIP 29,208 03-24-95 .WAD for DOOM II - deathmatch
SPACESTA.ZIP 40,557 02-27-95 UAC space station, 3rd outpost, located on anastroid in the Ort Cloud. Heavily armed incase of attack, linking tunnel system fordefense...What better place for a DOOM IIdeathmatch?
SPIDER11.ZIP 145,552 02-01-95 Spider Run v1.1 Req.EGA/VGA & Mouse It's arace against the clock as you rotate webstrands for the spider to run across. Quickthinking and fast reflexes are required tokeep the spider crawling across his web. Gain
extra points for bonus strands and stray flysthat get caught in the web as you try for theTop Ten High Scores. Spider Run is fun forthe whole family and is filled witheducational Spider Facts. Warning ADDICTIVE!
SPRINT.ZIP 7,810 03-24-95 .WAD file for DOOM! - deathmatch
SQRING01.ZIP 26,389 03-13-95 .WAD for DOOM II - deathmatch
STADIUM.ZIP 77,300 02-05-95 .WAD for DOOM! - Stairs remake
SUICIDE2.WAD 47,495 02-12-95 The 4 tower suicide - Part 2
SZAP20.ZIP 155,050 01-17-95 Super 'ZAP' Shell DOOM I and ][, HERETIC,RISE OF THE TRIAD Shell! Tons of options,cheats and more! Check this out now!
TEAMFRAG.ZIP 17,260 03-06-95 .WAD for DOOM II - 2 team d.m.
TEAMFRG2.ZIP 19,324 02-28-95 T E A M F R A G 2 The ultimate experience innetwork DOOM. TEAMFRG2 is a two-on-two playerdeathmatch WAD for DOOM 2. Req: Doom 2, 4players
TEAMFRG4.ZIP 28,961 02-28-95 T E A M F R A G 4 Two-on-two deathmatch WADfile for DOOM 2 Tired of the usual deathmatchscenario? Probably not, but until you playTEAM FRAG 4 you don't know what you'remissing out on
TEAMLEDG.ZIP 19,136 03-04-95 .WAD for DOOM II - 4 man d.m.
TFWDETH.ZIP 39,460 01-08-95 =====THE FLOPPY WIZARD Deathmatch PWAD=====The best DEATHMATCH PWAD file you will everfind!!! It was first written for DOOM, andwas never released into cyberspace! But, nowit has been converted to DOOM 2, and put out
for the public to enjoy!!!! It was played formonths between a few people, and updatedthousands of times!!! Now not only is itperfect, it has the super shotgun!
THE_QUAD.ZIP 28,418 02-04-95 .WAD for DOOM II - deathmatch
THRONE.ZIP 30,454 03-19-95 Challenging DOOM II Wad, see extra
TIM-HOL3.ZIP 200,897 03-11-95 A demo (lmp) for Doom 2 v1.9, great Deathmatch
TJM_HAUS.ZIP 51,256 03-24-95 .WAD for DOOM II - deathmatch
TOUGHLUC.ZIP 29,480 01-13-95 The Tough Luck Series Tough Luck The originalWAD file. Made for registered DOOM I, ToughLuck is Single player, Deathmatch, and Co-opready game. What have you gotten into? Tough
luck... Tough Luck II Tough Luck for DOOM II!You return to your old battlefield but it'sfilled with more tougher enemies. Singleplayer, Co-op, and Deathmatch capable.Released on Atlanta On-line 404-426-7461
TRIDETH.ZIP 8,969 01-17-95 Triple Death - Fully optimized deathmatchwad. Designed to allow kills on average of4-5 seconds. There is no where to hide andplenty of places to die. Design allows easyaccess to the other player's back! DOOM 1.666
TRKDOM11.ZIP 634,258 01-11-95 Star Trek Doom wad..
UL102.ZIP 172,873 01-25-95 The ULTIMATE Launcher For DOOM(II) & HERETIC!- Fully Supports DOOM(II) & HERETIC! -Menu-Driven Access To All Game Options! -Fully Supports Multi-Player Games! - WADs AreZIPed Until Needed! - Handles Over 8000
External WAD Files Per Ga - Allows 6 SeparateSaved Games For Each WAD! - Built In MapViewer! - Keeps Track Of Date/Time/ElapsedTime WAD Was Played! - MUCH MUCH MORE!
VS-1.ZIP 73,685 02-11-95 -VS- PWAD Title : VS-1.WAD <MAP01.WAD>DESCIRIPTION : This Deathmatch ONLY pwad wasdesigned for use by some friends at theIncredible Universe. Great DM level butcontains NO monsters. The best DOOM, DOOM2 &
Heretic PWADS
W32DEU52.ZIP 451,110 03-06-95 Windeu 5.23 32-bit version
WADCAT06.ZIP 37,493 02-07-95 WAD Concatenater v0.6 - By Matthew AyresMerge .WADs with this handy little utility.create a bunch of maps and wish you could savall in one WAD file? Also capable of renumbemaps. Works with Doom, Doom 2, and Heretic.
WADED181.ZIP 164,515 01-15-95 WADED v1.81 beta - Excellent Doom Map Editor!MAJOR BUGS FIXED! Delete versions 1.70-1.79.Please distribute v1.81 as much as possible.Many new additions and changes since v1.49.Written by Matthew Ayres
WALDORF.ZIP 43,607 03-24-95 .WADs for DOOM II - 4 DM levels!
WANTON.ZIP 81,533 03-24-95 .WAD file for DOOM! - deathmatch
WANTON2.ZIP 81,897 03-24-95 .WAD for DOOM II - deathmatch
WARHAVEN.ZIP 59,769 03-24-95 .WAD for DOOM II - deathmatch
WARM11.ZIP 316,532 01-31-95 Node and Reject Map rebuilder for Doom/Doom II
WATRWRKS.ZIP 36,735 03-14-95 .WAD for DOOM! - deathmatch
WDGD31.ZIP 179,441 01-23-95 WADGOD 3.1 - Release 3.1 of the popular DOOMshell. Now with DOOM II compatibility, userdefined menuing, spin control and more.Corrects text viewing and warping problems in3.0.
WILDMTCH.ZIP 19,371 01-12-95 OK Deathmatch lovers. Here it is !!! I'veplayed alot of deathmatches so I knew what Iwanted. It's not so big ya spend all daylooking for each other. It's in an arenaformat where 2-4 people can chase each other
around for hours and nev get bored. Lots ofplaces to hide and ambush. Also fun coop andalone. A must have !! Doom1 v 1.666 E2m1
WLSNWPNS.ZIP 33,411 01-25-95 Walls & Weapons - doom 2 dmatch for 3 +players. LARGE wad with LOTS of vantagepoints, with lots of weapons, great for teamsand group games..
WOLFDETH.ZIP 15,662 01-10-95 WOLFDETH.WAD S\C\D Basically a modifiedversion of level 32 in DooM2. Most texturesare blue (Blood really shows in blueheheheheh). All weapons are included as wellas only "small" versions of ammo (I.E only
ammo clips and shells etc... NO BOXES ofrockets, or cell PACKS, etc...)